The life and times of a red headed animal lost in the world.
Currently residing in Gloucester, MA.
Employed at the Gloucester Stage Company as their Marketing Apprentice.

Monday, November 4, 2013

I am literally the worst at keeping up with this blog

Hey Everyone!!! 
I am so sorry it has been so long since I posted anything on here. Life is flying by here in London and it's so hard to keep everything in check that I need to do through out the day.
Now it is time to back track and try and recall everywhere I've been since my last post....
I think the best place to start would be my visit to The Globe!!!
The Globe from a bridge (and the Tate Modern right next to it)
On November 12th RJ and I ventured out together to a attend the production of a show called "The Lightning Child" at The Globe. Waking up that morning, I didn't really realize how excited I was to go see a show at The Globe. It really wasn't until I was standing in the exact spot that I took the above picture that I realized where I was about to be standing and seeing theatre. Once I the theatre I was bee lining it across that bridge with RJ following close behind giggling at my pure and utter excitement. We arrived at the theatre nice and early with plenty of time for me to hunt for cheesy souvenirs and bath in the realization that I was actually standing in such a wonderfully historical space.
Front entrance to The Globe
Panoramic view from inside The Globe
The show itself was absolutely marvelous. It was an adaption of Euripides "The Bacchae" with a very ethnic Jamaican twist to it. There was blood, original music, dancing, some very serious scenes, and some scenes that sent the entire audience into an uproar of laughter. It was also the last performance so the Director came out at the end and did a whole speech with the cast and crew. It really was a magical experience.
On Tuesday the 15th I headed off to Camden town where I met my cousin Klaus for the first time! He is from Germany and moved to London about a year ago. He is a working musician and it was absolutely wonderful to hang out and talk to him. We walked around Camden for hours chit chatting and he really helped to get me acclimated to the historical neighborhood. Since then I've only been able to see him once but I'm hoping to hang out with him quite a bit more before I head back to the states.
Later that week, on Thursday the 17th, I set out on a solo adventure to the Tate Modern which was conveniently a short way down from The Globe so finding my way there on my own was a breeze. I took a walk over the Millennium Bridge (best known for its appearance it the Harry Potter films) and headed on inside. The art I had the privilege of seeing was absolutely stunning and would be far too hard to put in to words. Instead of trying to explain it all in detail I'll put a few of my favorite pieces up here so you can get a taste for yourself:

I was also lucky enough to get a nice look in at the construction going on for the latest addition on the Tate:

Here are some other miscellaneous pictures I was able to get while on my adventure that day:
View from the top of The Tate
The front of The Tate up close
LEVITATING MAN! Too bad I saw him climb off the chair...

On Saturday the 19th I headed to Camden with my flat mates Cat, Saveena, Roxy, and Roxys boyfriend Sami. It was the first time I had been to the market during the day and it was a lot of fun! I spent far too much money but it was totally worth it!! Before heading back to the flat we grabbed some drinks at a local pub. It was really a lovely day.

Ceiling of keys at the market
One of the many shopping locations within the market
The next day I headed to the Columbia Road Flower Market with RJ. It was really lovely and the flowers were absolutely stunning. There were also a lot of vintage stores about so of course it was nearly impossible for me to leave without buying something.

Some street art at the flower market
The following week was quite calm with a theatre society social here and a flat 14 movie night there. I attended a glo paint dance party at one point but that may have been the biggest high light of that week.
From Left to Right: Fiona, RJ, Myself, and Cat
Homework is really starting to pick up here so I haven't had far to much time for adventures. Last week was a lazy one up until right before Halloween. The night before Halloween was spent at a party for my flatmate Peglers cheer team which was quite fun. Only down side was when I fell down the stairs twice due to spilled drinks. Let's just say the bruises still have not fully mended themselves.
Me and Kit Cat having a laugh
The following day was then Halloween which sent much excitement throughout the flat. First of all it was my American flatmate Leeors 21st birthday. And on top of this all of my British flat mates were absolutely bursting with excitement over the idea of having a "real American" Halloween...yes the standards were set pretty high....
I started the day with some pumpkin carving, assisted by both RJ and Pegler who had never carved pumpkins before:
Myself and Pegler
And I must say I was quite proud of the results!!

Next was costume (or as they call it "fancy dress") preparation for the evening. Pegler and I were both being sparkly Unicorns which ended up involving a lot more work than expected but I'd say the end result was pretty wonderful:

I also think it is going to take me absolutely FOREVER to get ride of all the sparkles...

The rest of the evening was loads of fun and I really think everyone ended up having quite the exciting night.
The next day I had a lecture in my beyond acting class from a man who works at a theater that specializes in productions done in pitch black darkness. It was absolutely fascinating and I could not believe some of the things he was telling us about the power of pure sound. I felt so lucky that I got to work in such an intimate setting with him for 4 hours.
And now we have entered into this week!! Week 6 marks half way through the term as well as a week long break from Uni. As many of you may know I am currently in Ireland but I will not be posting about it right now (Sorry!!!) I want to reserve an entire post for just that. But so much has already happened and I really can't wait to share this marvelous adventure with you!
Well it is getting quite late here and I am trekking on quite the journey tomorrow so I must bid you all adieu for the evening. I promise my next entry will not come so late!!!


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